Monday, May 21, 2007


Renuncio o universo por ti
Renuncio tudo para poder estar perto de ti

Mas de que adianta, se tu não queres estar perto de mim?
De que adianta eu te olhar se não me olhas de volta?


Thursday, May 10, 2007

I fell in love

I fell in love....

I... fell in love...

I saw you...

And I fell in love...

I felt so much pain, but I love you...

I you said 'It's not true'

And I fell in love with you - even more

You said it won't work out...

So I fell deeper
into the chasm

And loved you even more...


Today I'm so blue
Don't wanna be this way
I wanna love you
And Smile the blue away...

Just say,
There might be another chance
And all will be ok.